Ludlow's Lesson #2: Hod Heads to the Lake

Ludlow's Island Resort

Feb 28, 2021
Sep 22, 2022
min read
Ludlow's Lesson #2: Hod Heads to the Lake

Picture this. It's 1930 and the U.S. is in the midst of the Great Depression. Jobs are scarce, you're 17 years old and not inclined to attend college. This is exactly where Hod found himself in the "toughest of the hard times," as he referred to the depression.

While his three siblings had all graduated from Carlton College, Hod had failed in two separate high schools. He finally reached the end of his rope when an English teacher gave him a 74, with 75 being a passing score. He wouldn't name the teacher in his recordings, but his frustration (50ish years later) was still evident in his voice.

It was at this point Hod decided to head to Lake Vermilion. A cabin on the shore had been built for the Ludlow family by Isaac Goodwill, proprietor of Goodwill's Resort. While the island had been purchased the previous year from Mr. Goodwill for $900, it did not have habitable living quarters, so Hod moved into the shore cabin. It had originally been chinked with moss, which did not deter the wind, so Hod made the decision to plaster between the logs of the kitchen and keep it warm. This 14'x10' space would be his home for the coming months. It was his kitchen, washroom and bunk room, having built a double bunk. There was no running water or indoor plumbing!

Stay tuned as we introduce you to some of the Lake Vermilion characters and the trials they faced in our coming lessons.